Backports for Debian GNU/Linux Version 4.0, Codename Etch
gscan2pdf (0.9.25-1~slashproc40+1) - A GUI to produce PDFs from scanned documents
Binary for arch all (222.9 KB)

Only two clicks are required to scan several pages and then save all or a selection as a PDF or DjVu file, including metadata if required.

gscan2pdf can control regular or sheet-fed (ADF) scanners with SANE via scanimage or scanadf, and can scan multiple pages at once. It presents a thumbnail view of scanned pages, and permits simple operations such as rotating and deleting pages.

PDF conversion is done by PDF::API2.

The resulting document may be saved as a PDF, DjVu, multipage TIFF file, or single page image file.

The gscan2pdf homepage is

libconfig-general-perl (2.40-1~slashproc40+1) - Generic Configuration Module
Binary for arch all (65.6 KB)

This module opens a configuration file and parses its contents for you. After parsing it returns a hash which contains all options and their associated values from your configuration file.

The format of configuration files supported by Config::General is inspired by the well known Apache configuration format, in fact, this module is fully capable of parsing Apache configurations, but the output is not usable by Apache. You can also just use simple name/value pairs in your configuration files.

In addition to the capabilities of an apache configuration file it supports some enhancements such as here-documents, C-style comments and multi-line options.

libgtk2-imageview-perl (0.04-1~slashproc40+1) - Perl bindings for the GtkImageView image viewer widget
Binary for arch i386 (79.3 KB)

GtkImageView is a simple image viewer widget for GTK+. Similar to the image viewer panes in gThumb or Eye of GNOME. It makes writing image viewing and editing applications easy. Among its features are:

Mouse and keyboard zooming. Scrolling and dragging. Adjustable interpolation. Fullscreen mode. GIF animation support.

libgtkimageview-dev (1.6.1-2~slashproc40+1) - image viewer widget for GTK+ (development files)
Binary for arch i386 (330.5 KB)

GtkImageView is a GTK+ widget that provides a zoomable and panable view of an image. It is intended to be usable in most types of image viewing applications.

This package contains the development files.

libgtkimageview0 (1.6.1-2~slashproc40+1) - image viewer widget for GTK+
Binary for arch i386 (30.5 KB)

GtkImageView is a GTK+ widget that provides a zoomable and panable view of an image. It is intended to be usable in most types of image viewing applications.

xauth (1:1.0.3-2~slashproc40+1) - X authentication utility
Binary for arch i386 (30.1 KB)

xauth is a small utility to read and manipulate Xauthority files, which are used by servers and clients alike to control authentication and access to X sessions.