Backports for Debian GNU/Linux Version 6.0, Codename Squeeze
libxml-tokeparser-perl (0.05-3+slashproc60+1) - Simplified interface to XML::Parser
Binary for arch all (20.6 KB)

XML::TokeParser provides a procedural ("pull mode") interface to XML::Parser in much the same way that Gisle Aas' HTML::TokeParser provides a procedural interface to HTML::Parser. XML::TokeParser splits its XML input up into "tokens," each corresponding to an XML::Parser event.

A token is a bless'd|"XML::TokeParser::Token" reference to an array whose first element is an event-type string and whose last element is the literal text of the XML input that generated the event, with intermediate elements varying according to the event type.

Each token is an object of type XML::TokeParser::Token|"XML::TokeParser::Token". Read "XML::TokeParser::Token"|"XML::TokeParser::Token" to learn what methods are available for inspecting the token, and retrieving data from it.